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Product >>SPO2 products >>compatible Nihon Kohden TL-101S spo2 sensor;

Nihon Kohden spo2 sensor

Round 10 pins spo2 connector; cable length: 2.7 meters or 3 meters; cable materisl: nickle copper conductor; medical TPU jacket; dual shielding for low noise; complete compatible with the original; how to use: direct plug into the machine;

Compabitle with: AL-800PA/AL-150H Module BSM-1101 BSM-2101 BSM-2102 BSM-3101 BSM-7100 BSM-7200 BSM-8200 BSM-8201 BSM-8301 BSM-8302 BSM-8800 LifeScope 12 LifeScope 14 LifeScope 8 LifeScope 9 LifeScope EC LifeScope L LifeScope LC OLV-1100A; OLV-1100/ OLV-1200

Other styles and other patients groups are available as the following list; if there is any doubt or any query, please feel free to contact PanSW;

Brand Original P/N P/N Description
Nihon Kohden TL-101S RSP-10044A adult finger clip spo2 sensor,10ft
  RSP-10044B adult soft tip spo2 sensor,10ft
  RSP-10044C pediatric finger clip spo2 sensor,10ft
  RSP-10044D pediatric soft tip spo2 sensor,10ft
  RSP-10044E neonate wrap spo2 sensor,10ft
 TL-120S RSP-10044F adult ear clip Spo2 sensor,10ft
  RSP-10044G animal tongue Spo2 sensor,10ft

Nihon Kohden spo2 sensor

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  • Declaration: All the trademarks mentioned in this website are for citation purpose only. PanSW manufactures and sells generic products compatible with other brands only.






























































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