Product >>SPO2 products >>gallery for comaptible Contec spo2 sensor
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compatible with: Contec: CMS8000, CMS 60C
*digital PD output directly DS. (tips for digital PD)
Biolight: M6, M69; M8000; M9000
Meditec M8000
Also many other digital spo2 sensors with 5 pins lemo connector, please contact Pansw for details.

compatible spo2 sensor for Contec, old type, 5 pins, RSP-10070A

compatible spo2 sensor for Contec, old type, 5 pins, RSP-10070C pediatric clip

compatible Contec spo2 sensor connector, 5 pins, plastic connector, single notch;

compatible Conte spo2 sensors, adult soft type, RSP-10070B

compatible multi site spo2 sensors for Contec, 5 pins, RSP-10070H

compatible Contec SpO2 sensors, adult ear clip

compatible spo2 sensor for Contec, old type, 5 pins, plastic connector, neonate wrap type; RSP-10070E

compatible spo2 sensor for pediatric soft type, plastic 5 pins connector, RSP-10070D
New 6 pins yellow connector model

compatible Contec spo2 sensor, adult soft type, RSP-10225B

compatible Contec SpO2 adapter cable

compatible Contec spo2 sensor, adult clip type, RSP-10225A

compatible Contec spo2 sensor, pediatric clip type, RSP-10225C

compatible Contec spo2 sensor, pediatric soft type, RSP-10225D

compatible Contec spo2 sensor, neonate wrap type, RSP-10225E

compatible Contec spo2 sensor, multi sitetype, RSP-10225H
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